Loving to eat pasta and making it yourself are two very different things. You cannot depend upon chefs and your mothers to make you your favorite saucy pasta. You, at some point, need to unlock your savory chef-self. The key to delectable pasta is always its sauce—the better the sauce, the better the pasta. We also believe that “practice makes a man perfect,” and that is why we are sg=haring some best pasta sauce recipes with you to practice over.
Practice and learn the best pasta sauce recipes with us.
12 oz. fettuccine or similar long pasta
salt kosher
1/4 cup unsalted butter, sliced into tiny pieces
3/4 cup finely grated Parmesan, with a bit of extra for serving
black pepper, freshly ground
Boil pasta till very al dente in a large pot of hot, salted water, tossing periodically. Strain the pasta, and save 2 cups of the cooking liquid.
In a large pan, add 1 cup of the pasta boiling liquid. Heat to a low boil, and mix in the butter, one tablespoon at a time, until completely melted. While continually whisking, gently add the cheese, ensuring that it is thoroughly melted and mixed before adding more. Toss in the pasta and toss to coat, adding additional pasta cooking liquid until the sauce comprehensively covers the noodles. Serve with extra pepper and cheese on top.
1 pound short tube pasta
salt kosher
8 tbsp (1 stick) unsalted butter, sliced and split
One small lemon, ordinary or Meyer lemon, finely cut into rounds, seeds removed
1 oz. highly shredded Parmesan, plus extra for serving
black pepper, freshly crushed
Boil pasta in a large pan of hot salted water, turning periodically, until al dente, about 2 minutes shorter than the package guidelines.
Meanwhile, thaw half of the butter in a large Dutch oven or other heavy pot over medium heat. Cook, often turning, until the lemon slices are softened, and the bottom of the saucepan is browned in areas for 5–7 minutes. Drip 1/3 of the lemon slices onto a platter with tongs; set aside.
Take out 2 cups of boiling liquid just before the pasta gets all cooked. 1/2 cup pasta boiling liquid should be added to the butter sauce. (However, this may seem to be plenty of juice, it will thicken once the additional ingredients are added.) Mix the remaining butter, a piece at a time, until each piece is mixed well before dripping more until the condiment is thick and creamy.
Strain the pasta and immerse it in the sauce. Cook, tossing frequently, and gradually adding 1 oz. Parmesan. Proceed to simmer, constantly stirring, until the cheese is cooked and the mixture is creamy and adheres to the pasta, about 3 minutes. If the sauce appears too thick, dilute it with 1–2 tablespoons of pasta cooking liquid at a time. Remove from fire and mix once more with an almost insane quantity of pepper (around 2 tsp).
Serve the spaghetti topped with the saved lemon rounds and more Parmesan.
Try your luck with these fantastic pasta sauces and be your chef. It is never too late to learn new recipes and amaze everyone.